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Webinar with Architecture Today: Carbon in context The importance of building with wood

Can building with wood from sustainably-managed forests be the answer to reducing carbon embodied emissions and make a key contribution to reducing levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases?

Watch this AT Webinar, chaired by Ruth Slavid, as we explored how architects, engineers and the timber industry are seeking to mitigate climate change by increasing the use of wood in construction.

Speakers include:

  • Dr. Matt Kennedy, Associate Director, Carbon & Climate at Arup
  • Daniel Doran, Principal Consultant, Circular Ecology
  • Roly Ward, National Account Manager Frameworks, MEDITE SMARTPLY
  • Peter Smith, Architect and Passivhaus Designer, Roderick James Architects

The webinar covers the following topic areas:

  • Best practice across the industry to achieve net zero carbon
  • Biogenic carbon, dynamic life-cycle assessment (LCA) and environmental product declaration (EPD) - the language explained
  • How to assess the embodied carbon in materials
  • End of life strategies and designing for disassembly and reuse.
  • Building with wood: What are the immediate construction benefits and long-term health and wellbeing gains?
  • Key processes that we need to incorporate to help ensure a sustainable supply chain
  • Designing the Beyond Zero House at COP26

Webinar with Architecture Today: Intelligent specification for a zero carbon future

Design and specification make a huge impact on the durability and environmental performance and bring about more successful outcomes for clients, building users whilst helping to achieve our overall net zero ambitions.

Watch the latest AT Webinar, chaired by Ruth Slavid, as we explore a range of approaches to design, specification and procurement to helps you make informed decisions and deliver benefits to investors, planners, building managers, clients and the environment.

Speakers include:

  • 1. Pat Barry, Chief Executive Officer, Irish Green Building Council
  • 2. Daria Blanc-Mathieu, Senior Sustainability Consultant, Meehan Green
  • 3. David Murray, Head of Technical Affairs & Ireland Sales, MEDITE SMARTPLY
  • 4. Isabel Barros, Architect, Isabel Barros Architects

The webinar covers the following topic areas:

  • Meeting the challenges facing the construction industry
  • Green Building Council incentive programmes
  • The importance of green building certifications
  • Making positive specification and informed material selection for sustainability, ethics and health
  • The importance of EPD's and how to use them
  • Building differently towards a carbon vernacular
  • Supporting specification in line with green build certification
  • Taking wider responsibility - delivering building fabric solutions with guaranteed and enduring performance