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The Institute of Carpenters

  • 19.10.2023

The IOC was founded in 1890 by 11 craftsmen who had achieved first-class passes in the new exams set by the Worshipful Company of Carpenters, one of the oldest livery companies in the City of London. Today, they work to enhance and promote the status of the ancient profession and to ensure that their members and their clients benefit from the superior knowledge and craftsmanship associated with the Institute.

Over the past few years we've been proud to support the Institute of Carpenters and their members in their work to uphold the highest standards of carpentry and provide guidance to those in the trade. This has involved sharing informative and educational articles in their magazine, sponsorship of prizes for their award ceremonies and supporting anywhere we can.

If you'd like to find out more about the Institute or become a member please head to their website.