Due to the ongoing challenges posed by Covid-19 virus we are asking all people who visit SMARTPLY Europe DAC to complete this form before permission is granted to visit site. SMARTPLY is committed to the protection of its employees, contractors and visitors to our facility. The collected information will solely be used for the purpose of ensuring the continued Health and safety of our employees as part of a national effort to restrict movement and maintain distancing. Individual forms need to be filled out for each individual visiting. Authorisation is valid for 1 visit up to a maximum of 3 days. Thank you for your understanding.
- All site visits access are defined as those entries by all non-MEDITE SMARTPLY employed personnel or those who are entering site for the purpose of collection or delivery where existing from vehicle and/or interaction with site personnel or site infrastructure.
- Site Access form do not eliminate the requirement or necessity of other documentation required to enter site and perform works such as RAMS (risk assessments Methods Statements). Access may be denied to those who have not provided correct documentation should they be required to do so.
- Company contact should be defined as the person under the companies employ who has organised the visit and that the visitor/contractor has been in direct communication with.