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Richard Baker Furniture uses MEDITE PREMIER

Clients seeking beautiful interior design, Richard Baker is a professional joinery company that provides bespoke furniture.

To achieve this the company needs a panel with versatility, ease of working and a quality finish.

The Results

The smooth face properties of MEDITE PREMIER makes it suitable not only for a painted finish, but also for the application of even the thinnest veneers, laminates and surface coatings to achieve the desired result. This is ideal for furniture and cabinet-makers and bespoke craftspeople.

Client Comment

This is the perfect material for our well-designed pieces. We usually hand paint all our furniture products and the smooth surface of MEDITE PREMIER panels makes it ideal for a high quality, professional finish.

The way the MDF is manufactured, with a very strong core, enables us to use it for bespoke pieces, in particular our coffee bar, door profiles and bolection mouldings

- Richard Baker, Richard Baker Furniture