Although formaldehyde in large amounts can be dangerous, the levels in building products, such as SMARTPLY OSB panels, are absolutely minimal as they’re manufactured with zero-added formaldehyde resins. The amount of formaldehyde released slowly through off-gassing, or contained in the dust created when cutting panels to size, is even less.
One question that might come up though, is that in the case of products which will be contained within the walls of a building, such as pattressing panels, does formaldehyde content even matter?
The answer is still, yes, of course it does. If we cared less about the formaldehyde content of all the building products that will not be visible when the building is complete and therefore became less diligent about the formaldehyde content of the resins used to bind wood panel products together, the overall VOC level of buildings would sky-rocket.
This is something that must be avoided for the benefit of both building occupants, building contractors, and the overall environmental credibility of the building.
Here at MEDITE SMARTPLY, the entire SMARTPLY OSB range including PATTRESS PLUS, the pre-sized and pre-rebated pattressing panel for drylining, is manufactured with no added formaldehyde.
This allows not only the installing contractor to work more safely, as they handle the raw product, but will also allow the building developer, architect, or main contractor to demonstrate that all products used are safe, healthy materials that align themselves with both wellbeing and sustainability ambitions of the project.
Specifying PATTRESS PLUS can help ensure that the project meets its BREEAM, LEED or WELL Standard environmental building standards. Let’s do the right thing!
Additionally, PATTRESS PLUS is manufactured in sizes to ensure it is a safe one-person lift, adhering to FIS safety task guidelines. In current circumstances, this can enable a dryliner to work independently, either when fewer workers are allowed on site or when government guidelines dictate that space must be maintained between workers.
Designed to fit all commercially available drylining and stud systems, PATTRESS PLUS comes in thicknesses of 15mm and 18mm, widths of 397mm or 597mm (to perfectly fit 400mm and 600mm stud centres), and lengths of 1250mm or 2397mm, corresponding with leading plasterboard partition specifications.
This high-performance solid core OSB3 ensures secure anchorage at any point on the panel face, meeting the severe duty rating, allowing it to be structurally secure enough to carry severely heavy weight.