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What's the best board for your site hoarding?

  • 14.05.2018-
  • Tim Price
site hoarding

Site-hoarding is more than just putting up a fence. Firstly, you want your site-hoarding to be strong and durable. Secondly, it makes life a lot easier if it’s quick to install, so you can enjoy the really important things in life. And thirdly, too often the sustainability of site-hoarding boards is almost completely disregarded leading to the use of illegally produced tropical plywood.

Thankfully, there is a product that checks these three all-important boxes: SMARTPLY SITEPROTECT.


Whether your site is a large expensive development with countless stakeholders wanting to see their investment turn out right, or a project with high value to a local community, you can’t run the risk of unauthorised people gaining access to it. It’s not just to stop vandals with spray cans and quick fingers, but unattended building sites are extremely dangerous places for anyone who doesn’t know the lay of the land.

SMARTPLY SITEPROTECT has been manufactured with height and durability in mind. In fact, SMARTPLY SITEPROTECT can be produced up to three metres high and is made from OSB3, meaning it’s structurally sound, won’t bend or break, or allow your site to become easily accessed by unauthorised people.


Specifically, YOUR time.

SMARTPLY SITEPROTECT is unique in that it comes pre-primed in a heavy-duty white or grey primer, but it’s also available in a variety of RAL colours on request, saving you hours in time and energy. No more watching paint dry long into the evening; you only need to apply a top coat, seal the edges and you’re done!


To tick the sustainability boxes for your building project it’s important to think about the origins of the materials used for your site-hoarding. In fact, not thinking about it at all so could put you in breach of the legal requirements explained in the Government’s Timber Procurement Policy. Not to mention that illegal plywood harvested from rainforests contributes to deforestation and destroys local communities.

Thankfully, SMARTPLY SITEPROTECT is fully Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified, meaning you don’t have to worry about the credibility of its supply chain, and you can rest easy knowing you’re doing something good for the environment too.

For more details on SMARTPLY SITEPROTECT click here.