We are just over halfway into the year and we can likely all agree that 2020 has been a challenging one so far.
Even with the reopening of construction sites, government guidelines for stopping the spread of Covid-19 are still very much in place. At the moment, a key aspect of the guidelines is to ensure a safe distance is kept between workers on site.
With that in mind, PATTRESS PLUS, an innovative drylining solution from MEDITE SMARTPLY allows a person to work efficiently, safely and if needed, independently, ensuring government guidance is respected.
Lending itself to the challenges of a restricted worksite, where the number or workers may also be restricted, PATTRESS PLUS panels are provided ready to use in sizes that are all for a safe one-person lift, following FIS safety task guidelines.
Available in thicknesses of 15mm or 18mm, widths of 397mm or 597mm (to perfectly fit 400mm and 600mm stud centres), and lengths of 1250mm or 2397mm, PATTRESS PLUS aligns itself with leading plasterboard partition specifications for a quick and easy specification and installation, with no fuss, even when working independently.
Moreover, this highly engineered OSB panel offers consistent structural support. It’s fully tested to the relevant sections of BS5234-2, demonstrating high pull-out strength, and meets the severe duty rating for pattressing, so speed of installation comes with no sacrifice of loadbearing ability.
As there is no need for cutting or rebating, PATTRESS PLUS panels can be installed with little need for power tools, avoiding all the unnecessary irritating dust and noise usually generated from machining panels on site.
Right now, safety must be everyone’s top priority. This doesn’t only mean pausing to think about the necessary PPE anymore, but being considerate of others in terms of the distance we keep between each other. This doesn’t have to mean that productivity should go down! Support safe and efficient practices in the construction industry now, and use PATTRESS PLUS.
Let’s do the right thing!