As part of our recent MEDITE campaign we asked people to submit pictures of their projects to us, we have seen some absolutely amazing uses of our MEDITE MDF so wanted to showcase some here too.
Want to be featured? Submit your projects over on our new website!

Heartwood Joinery
"This dressing room was one part of a larger project to install bespoke joinery into all the bedrooms on the first floor of a superb house just outside of Guildford. Wardrobes/storage and desks were produced for all the children in a similar style to the dressing room.
All the external parts were produced using MEDITE MR. It's always been our 'go to board' for anything made from MDF as the board is so versatile. It machines well, and we're able to get a great paint finish whether it be across the face or on the edge.
The project went fairly smoothly, the only confusing part was the sheer amount of lighting we had within the wardrobes as every door had it's own sensor and led strip. The only other part we had to work around was two of the double carcasses also housed all the manifold for the underfloor heating system. This requires yearly maintenance so we had to create access through the backs.
The clients were thrilled with the end result and we hope to professionally shoot all the finished work once the house is complete."

Ben Vivian Carpentry & Design
"I used MEDITE MR for a living room furniture project, to create some media storage. I made Shaker cupboards with oak fingerpulls with a spray painted finish. In order to create this project I used a track saw to cut the MDF, the edges were then sanded to 400grit and then edged with a router. I choose MEDITE for my projects because it is good quality MDF at affordable prices."
-Ben Vivian, Ben Vivian Carpentry & Design
Instagram: @b_v_carpentry
F.M Joinery
"MEDITE PREMIER is the first choice for most of my projects, it is very stable and when cutting/painting it leaves a very smooth finish. It may be a touch more expensive that other brands, but I would rather pay that touch more knowing I have a produce that will perform well. The projects material was cut and made dry then flat packed and taken to the client’s apartment beside the River Clyde and carried up 6 storeys. A few scribes were required for uneven floor/walls the end result was outstanding with a very happy client.
MEDITE PREMIER is very versatile with so many uses, I have used this for raised moulded panels, when using this on a router table it gives an incredible detailed finish. MEDITE offer a wide range of MDF products that I look forward to trying out on different projects."
- Andrew Ferguson, F.M Joinery
Instagram: @f.mjoinery

Dreamcraft Furniture
"Here at Dreamcraft we favour MEDITE MDF for our children's themed bedroom manufacturing. Over the past ten years we have tried a few different suppliers, but for the last 4 years have stuck to MEDITE as we find it a far superior product. We feel it is easier to prep, it is consistent, as other suppliers quality would often drop, it is also sustainable and FSC, which was also a big deciding factor for us.
All of our themed items are made from MDF, and often edges have to be left exposed, so we needed a material we could trust and that would keep our prep time down to a minimum. MEDITE allows this.
Since lockdown we highlighted a gap in the market for outdoor themed furniture, such as luxury play houses. With our creative passion we knew we could build some very special items, using a similar process to that which we use for the beds, as well as our CNC machine being able to still be used for this production range. But for this we would need a product that was suitable for outdoor use.
This is where MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME has become a very exciting part of our new venture. This material will now allow us to make our magic also come to life outdoors, as we can now create castles, cottages and pirate ships, all with a product that we can trust will last the years of fun and games it will endure outdoors.
Our first cottage playhouse has been a huge success and the MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME was fantastic to work with. It really has allowed us to be super creative with the added detail in our offerings, which added detail is something we pride ourselves on.
We have some very exciting designs that we hope to be bringing to life very soon using MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME, and can't wait to share the images and results with you.
We really are so excited that you create this versatile product, so thank you."
- Jennifer Wilson, Dreamcraft Furniture
Instagram: @dreamcraftfurniture | Facebook: @dreamcraftfurniture

Madhatters Laser Cut Designs
"We made the houses out of 3.2 mm MEDITE which we use for all of our MDF products. The houses were inspired by a pottery cottage that we have on our mantlepiece above our fire. But the storage drawers in the back were our own idea . Wendy then drew an image of what she wanted and I made the designs for the houses on the software we use and set up the page for the laser to read. We then cut them out and Wendy glues them together and decorates them herself."
- Rob & Wendy McLaren, Madhatters Laser Cut Designs
Instagram: @madhatterslasercuts | Facebook: @madhatterslasercutdesigns

John Rawlings
"I am a full time bespoke Kitchen and Furniture designer and part-time cabin and Chicken House maker!
Part of my work is designing and making camping huts and bespoke garden buildings under the name Shipshape, inspired by the fisherman’s huts on Lindisfarne. Shipshape huts are made of formed, frameless insulated panels providing a light by extremely rigid structure that is watertight , warm and as importantly, proportionally correct and pretty to look at!
It occurred to me that a smaller version would be ideal for keeping 3 or 4 chickens in – there are a huge number of domestic chicken keepers in the UK so I thought why not provide a coop that is both functional and attractive to look at? I set about designing the Chookwaggon – I wanted it to be easily portable and above all, easy to clean. The basic design was developed as a wheeled coop that could be wheeled easily like a wheelbarrow with the top section hinged for easy cleaning.
Over time, the design has been refined mainly in the use and selection of materials. Initially using formed marine ply with Larch cladding for the upper parts of the structure, I tried using a variety of different materials before coming across MEDITE. The benefits are immense. Using MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME (MTX) means fewer parts are needed in the manufacture, routing the surface to allow curving of the panels does not affect the integrity or water resistance of the panels and there is a significant weight reduction too. Phenolic ply is used for the base platform. Using plastic wheels on aluminium axles and recycled plastic front legs, Chookwaggons remain rot free even when standing on wet ground.
The Chookwaggon in the picture has been standing outside for 7 years, finished in Cuprinol’ Shades’ the MTX shows no signs of breaking down or blowing and is as pretty much as new. It truly is a remarkable material that increases the usable life of the Chookwaggon considerably."
- John Rawlings

Oxford Kitchens and Bathrooms

"The reason I used MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME (MTX) is because I wanted something that is waterproof, does not rot, accepts a painted finish without too much preparation, can be worked and fashioned easily with standard tools and was fairly lightweight. MTX fits the bill on all counts, it has been a pleasure to work with.
We are now looking into using the products for tile backing behind built in wall mounted WC’s."
- Richard Hardie
Lee's Custom Woodwork
"For all my projects I prefer to use MEDITE MR MDF, I use this in my jobs as I find it has a superior smooth finish, is easy to router and is much better to use that standard MDFs I have used in the past.
I also use MR as it is less likely to fluff up when applying a paint finish, I've also found that MEDITE MR can also be spray finished with a lot less prep work than standard MDFs I've used in the past.
The moisture resistant materials are perfect for using for some of the items I've made as a lot of my work includes bars and areas susceptible to moisture.
I'm also hoping to try out some other MEDITE products in the future, including; MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME, MEDITE EXTERIOR and MEDITE INDUSTRIAL MR. I'd love to see what I can do with these and see how well they machine compared to others so no doubt will be in touch with my supplier about them in the future."
- Lee Thompson

Goldsmith Lane Joinery
"I get through a lot of MEDITE material. Mostly, that means MRMDF of various thicknesses. The reasons for using MEDITE specifically are that the product is of a very consistent quality so I always know what I’m going to be working with - how it will respond during the process. It is possible, with a little time and care, to achieve cut edges smooth enough to paint to a perfectly clean finish.
When visiting my timber merchants, I’ll always ask the manufacturer of the material I buy, and express my preference. One local merchant recently ordered a stock of MEDITE MRMDF in response to my request.
I’m also impressed that MEDITE seems to be developing new products that will be useful in my work. I’m looking to order some exterior MDF for a project later this summer."
- Jack Hollings, Goldsmith Lane Joinery
Instagram: @goldsmithlane | Facebook: @goldsmithlane

Homemade Help Home and Garden Services
"I designed and built this fire engine bed for my boys using 6mm and 18mm MEDITE MR MDF. Great board to work with and paints great. Wouldn't use anything else now."
- Darren McLean

Alex Burgess Carpentry
"Here the customer wanted to create a false chimney breast with large alcove units to help structure an ‘L’ shape living room. Medite MR top units (the top for the base units is simply a deep bottom of the top units). MR components also include very stable 2 piece shaker doors produced from the CNC machine, with MR scribing fillets and pelmets that finish the top units to the walls."
- Alex Burgess, Alex Burgess Carpentry
Instagram: @alexburgesscarpentry | Houzz: Alex Burgess Carpentry

"The main idea for this project was to construct some floating shelves. However rather than having a symmetrical format, they were arranged in a more unconventional way, with spotlights in different spaces. Our customer let us play with our imagination and gave us the freedom to design, on this project. We used a wooden structure covered with 6mm standard MDF for the shelves and 18mm standard MDF for the base cabinets and doors."
- Andrei Micu, thehouseplan
Instagram: @_thehouseplan_ | Facebook: @thehouseplan

Mark Stocking
"Here’s a pic of a recent media wall we made, using Medite MR clad with Formica Colorcore. We used this to encapsulate the customer's own fireplace. The customer was looking to add a certain 'va-va voom' to the room and I think this worked well!"
- Mark Stocking, D.F. Bennett and Son
Facebook: @D.F.BennettandSon

Syxth Limited
We have been using Medite MDF in our products for over 8 years now!
This is a new garden gazebo that we created. I cut the trelliswork across the inside top from Medite Tricoya Extreme to provide an airflow through the gazebo, whilst looking very contemporary with a nice Voronoi pattern. The 2 triangular pieces were custom made to size and laser cut in panels from 6mm Tricoya, each being made from 5 panels that fit together with “jigsaw” joints.
- Paul Collins, Syxth Limited

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