- Airtight OSB/3
- Passivhaus certified
- Integrated vapour control
- High racking strength - suitable for structural use
- For use in low energy and Passivhaus buildings
- No added formaldehyde
- UKCA and CE marked
- FSC® Certified
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Utilise the properties of our airtight OSB, SMARTPLY AIRTIGHT, and our breathable MDF, MEDITE VENT, to build an airtight Passivhaus building and achieve world class energy efficiency.
SMARTPLY AIRTIGHT is an OSB/3 panel which achieves category 1 racking resistance. MEDITE VENT was tested to EN 594 and also achieves Category 1 racking resistance, using standard timber frame fixings. For further information on this please contact your local Technical Sales Manager.
MEDITE VENT is manufactured using the same moisture resistant (and no added formaldehyde) resin technology as SMARTPLY MAX OSB/3 and SMARTPLY ULTIMA OSB/4. This makes it suitable for use in Service Class 2 (humid) conditions and suitable for use as external sheathing panel in timber frame structures. MEDITE VENT must be protected by a suitable breather membrane and maintained in Service Class 2 conditions in the finished building.
AIRTIGHT can be used as the only racking panel, installed on the warm side of the insulation and therefore can be used as the only sheathing panel in a wall build-up.
MEDITE recommends that breather membranes from reputable suppliers are used, the membrane should be:
Most breather membrane supplier would comply with those performance requirements.
In cold temperate climates in Europe MEDITE VENT should be installed on the external side of the wall build up to allow water vapour to escape to the outside and avoid condensation in the insulation and structure.
SMARTPLY AIRTIGHT has a very high vapour diffusion factor (dry cup 750) (i.e. it fulfils the requirement of a vapour control layer) to prevent excessive moisture entering the building fabric. On the other hand, MEDITE VENT has a very low water vapour diffusion factor (wet cup 9.7) (i.e. it is very ‘breathable’) to facilitate fast drying of built-in moisture and reduce the risk of interstitial condensation in walls. For further information and test reports please contact your local Technical Sales Manager.
YES. The certified passive house wall systems are certified with SMARTPLY AIRTIGHT and MEDITE VENT included. All other wall and roof elements are generic, with only the minimum thermal performance as a requirement.
Very! SMARTPLY AIRTIGHT has been independently tested by Fraunhofer Institute of Building Physics and the Passive House Institute and is a Certified Passive House airtight component. Furthermore, our 2 wall systems - Type S (Solid timber studs) & Type I (I Joist studs) have been certified by Passive House Institute. Below are the links to the PHI certified components database, where you can find details of our certified product and systems: