- MDF guaranteed outdoors for 50 years
- Outstanding durability and dimensional stability
- Resistant to rot and fungal decay
- Smooth surface
- Consistent quality and thickness
- FSC® certified
- CARB2 compliant
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MEDITE SMARTPLY headlined the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2022, partnering with the world-renowned show’s most decorated designer, Sarah Eberle, for the event in May. We showcased our sustainable and innovative product range in the garden, themed around sustainability and the multiple applications and versatility of MEDITE SMARTPLY products, it won two prestigious awards: Gold and Best Construction Award (Show Garden).
Following on from our involvement at the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, we had set our sights on RHS Chelsea Flower Show to showcase our innovative product range and commitment to sustainable building. Working with award-winning garden designer and innovator Sarah Eberle, we aimed to showcase the possibilities of engineered wood panels at the home of the world’s best garden design.
The centrepiece of the garden, which was inspired by natural vertical rock strata, was created out of MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME (MTX), a remarkable, lightweight panel guaranteed up to 50 years above ground and 25 years in ground. It is especially beneficial in environments where humidity and varying weather are usually concerns. The structure demonstrated the versatility of wood panels.
Further products such as SMARTPLY STRONGDECK featured in the garden. This high-performance engineered wood, tongue and groove OSB/4 panel is suitable for the most demanding structural applications such as flooring. Additionally, the garden was secured with SMARTPLY SITEPROTECT PLUS, a pre-primed structural OSB/3 site hoarding panel ideal for securing sites or promoting brand messages to the wider public.
Watch our 3 part film series where we introduce our garden designer, visit the nurseries, take her to Ireland and show you around the finished garden.
Following the show, MEDITE SMARTPLY arranged for the structural materials to be deconstructed and delivered to an environmental charity for material re-use, while the trees and plants were re-used in other projects.
As a result, we worked with Circular Ecology to study the carbon footprint of the MEDITE SMARTPLY Building the Future garden. The carbon study revealed that re-using trees and plants allows them to reach full maturity, which means it would increase their potential for carbon storage further.
Our products, produced from timber sourced from responsibly managed forests owned by Coillte, greatly contributed to making the MEDITE SMARTPLY Building the Future garden carbon negative. This further highlights the importance of building with wood.