- MDF guaranteed outdoors for 50 years
- Outstanding durability and dimensional stability
- Resistant to rot and fungal decay
- Smooth surface
- Consistent quality and thickness
- FSC® certified
- CARB2 compliant
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The MEDITE SMARTPLY Building the Future garden at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2022 (show garden 320) is featured on main avenue. Designed by Sarah Eberle, supported by Alex and Emma Devereux and sponsored by MEDITE SMARTPLY, the garden is a celebration of our commitment to sustainability, longevity and wellness; for people and the planet.
The MEDITE SMARTPLY Building the Future garden showcases our innovation and sustainable ethos; from our sustainably managed forests through to our commitment to creating products that contribute to healthier buildings.
The centrepiece of the garden, which is inspired by natural vertical rock strata, is created out of MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME (MTX), a remarkable, lightweight panel guaranteed up to 50 years above ground and 25 years in ground. It is especially beneficial in environments where humidity and varying weather are usually concerns. The structure demonstrates MTX throughout its life cycle and shows the versatility of wood panels.
Further products such as SMARTPLY STRONGDECK feature in the garden. This high-performance engineered wood, tongue and groove OSB/4 panel is suitable for the most demanding structural applications such as flooring. Additionally, the garden will be secured with SMARTPLY SITEPROTECT PLUS, a pre-primed structural OSB/3 site hoarding panel ideal for securing sites or promoting brand messages to the wider public.
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The acetylation process makes the wood more dimensionally stable and because it is no longer easily digestible, extremely durable. The acetylated wood used to make MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME has Platinum rating for Material Health, confirming that no harmful or toxic additives or chemicals are present to leach out into the environment.
MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME is manufactured using acetylated softwood and using no added formaldehyde resin for bonding the fibres.
Below link to MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME webpage where you can find product info, features and benefits, whiteboard video, FAQs and more information on the acetylation process.
MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME composition includes fibre from acetylated softwood, no added formaldehyde resin and wax added for processing efficiency, some residual acetic acid (strong vinegar) from the acetylation process. PMDI resin is a thermosetting adhesive that is fully inert after curing under heat and pressure during the production process.
The production process for MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME is the same as for any other MDF panel. However, before MDF production the softwood is acetylated to provide the durability and stability to the wood fibres.
MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME is manufactured form chips/logs from sustainably managed forests (FSC or PEFC certified forests). Due to its extremely long life and potential for reuse it stores carbon. When the trees grow in our forest they capture carbon from the atmosphere, the wood-based panels that we then manufacturer store the carbon and retain it for the lifetime of the panel.
MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME is made by using native and non-native species. The chip is acetylated in Hull and then exported to Ireland. As the Hull plant reaches production capacity the % of native wood will increase to 100%.
All chips/logs processed to manufactured MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME has chain of custody certification of forest management from FSC.
MEDITE SMARTPLY panels can be recycled, repurposed, or reused depending on the previous use. Consideration should be given to local, national and EU standards & regulations.
The acetylated wood used to make MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME has Platinum rating for Material Health, confirming that no harmful or toxic additives or chemicals are present to leach out into the environment. MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME contains very small amount of residual acetic acid and may make the soil conditions slightly acidic for a limited period without making the conditions unsuitable for plants.
MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME can be disposed and used as biomass; or repurposed and reused by sanding any coating/paint before reprocessing. Small/thin MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME elements can be laminated into large elements by following gluing guidelines if required.
MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME is guaranteed to last 25 years when used in the ground. As for hardwoods/modified wood products the degradation process for MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME is longer as water does not impact/affect the fibres as much as for softwood. It is anticipated that after 25 years some signs of degradation could start to appear, but it may take decades more before MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME is fully decomposed in the ground.
Same as above but for 50 years above ground. Usually MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME is coated/painted and so coating degradation would occur before any degradation of MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME. Potentially MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME could be reused and given 2nd, 3rd life etc…
MDF or any other wood-based panels dust can be used for biomass, standard dust recommendations apply.
MEDITE - Medium Density Fibreboard comprising primarily of:
Spruce (“Picea Sitchensis & Abies”)
Pine (“Pinus Sylvestris & Contorta”) And some mixed Conifers:
Fir (“Abies” or “Pseudotsuga Menziesii”)
Larch (“Larix Decidua”)
SMARTPLY - Oriented Strand Board comprising primarily of:
Spruce (“Picea Sitchensis and Abies”)
Pine; (“Pinus Sylvestris, Contorta” & Nigra). And some mixed Conifers
Fir (“Abies Grandis, Procera or Pseudotsuga Menziesii”)
Larch (“Larix Decidua, Kaempferi”)
Hemlock ("Tsuga Heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.")
MEDITE SMARTPLY is a market leading, responsible manufacturer of sustainable timber construction panels. As part of the Coillte Group, we pride ourselves on our sustainable supply chain and manufacturing processes, meaning our products are as environmentally conscious in their make up as they are in their application.
Our MEDITE MDF and SMARTPLY OSB range of products provide housebuilders, architects, contractors, carpenters and specifiers with sustainable and innovative panels for their projects.
To demonstrate the products’ limitless design capabilities, we have a dedicated online MDF community site which invites MDF enthusiasts to share work, gain inspiration and even win prizes that will enable the user to build bigger and better with MDF.
We will be posting regular updates on the progress of the garden and the story behind the design over there, so sign up to keep in the loop.