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MEDITE EXTERIOR is an MDF panel developed specifically for use in a wide range of external applications in accordance with MDF-H2 as defined in EN 622 part 5 and gives all the design freedom of interior MDF.
MDF panels
Exterior MDF
MEDITE EXTERIOR used for garden hut
Exterior MDF for shop signage
Shopfront signage

At a glance

  • Durable external panel
  • Meets class D durability
  • Smooth surface
  • Consistent quality and thickness
  • FSC® certified
  • CARB2 compliant

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Specification and sizes

MEDITE EXTERIOR is available in a range of panel sizes and thicknesses. Other thicknesses and panel sizes are available by special request.
Panel Size
1220 x 2440mm
6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 22 and 25mm
Panel Size
1220 x 2745mm
Panel Size
1220 x 3050mm
15 and 18mm


MEDITE EXTERIOR is used as a substitute for softwood, hardwood, plywood, plastic and metal in non-stressed applications.

It can be used for a wide range of external applications including: external signs, shop fronts and external woodwork including fascias, exterior mouldings, door parts - raised and fielded panels, garden furniture components, exterior display stands, marine craft interiors and sports score boards.

Guidelines should be adhered to when using MEDITE EXTERIOR, you should follow this guidance to ensure a good finish and long-lasting performance. Please refer to the downloads below to access these documents.


MEDITE MR is a moisture resistant MDF which can be used in interior humid conditions such as kitchens and bathrooms. MEDITE MR should not be used in external environments. MEDITE TRICOYA EXTREME and MEDITE EXTERIOR are exterior grade MDF products that can be used in exterior wet/humid conditions.

As processing, applications and conditions are outside MEDITE control, no guarantee can be made in respect of the final life expectancy of the product. If usage guidelines are followed for processing, coating, sealing, maintenance and repair EXTERIOR should perform similarly to standard timber and other wood-based panels. Customers that require longevity should consider using MTX.

No. MEDITE EXTERIOR must be fully coated in line with usage guidelines for any exterior application. Customers should consider using MTX if an uncoated finish is required.

Yes. EXTERIOR Usage Guidelines and EXTERIOR Storage & Handling Guidelines are available below.


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