- MDF guaranteed outdoors for 50 years
- Outstanding durability and dimensional stability
- Resistant to rot and fungal decay
- Smooth surface
- Consistent quality and thickness
- FSC® certified
- CARB2 compliant
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MEDITE CLEAR is an MDF panel manufactured with no added formaldehyde. It has been developed specifically for use in environmentally sensitive interior applications, where formaldehyde emissions need to be kept to the minimum. |
MEDITE CLEAR is an MDF panel manufactured with no added formaldehyde. It has been developed specifically for use in environmentally sensitive interior applications, where formaldehyde emissions need to be kept to the minimum. MEDITE CLEAR can be produced in a range of panel thicknesses. Please see the table, other dimensions and thicknesses are available on request. |
MEDITE CLEAR is a panel product suitable for use in non-stressed applications. MEDITE CLEAR is ideal for cabinets, display cases, furniture, fixtures and mouldings designed for environmentally sensitive areas such as museums, laboratories, art galleries, nursing homes, hospitals, nurseries and schools. |
MEDITE CLEAR is an MDF panel with zero added formaldehyde, developed specifically for use
in environmentally sensitive interior applications, where formaldehyde emissions need to be kept
to the minimum. MEDITE CLEAR is often used in museums, schools, laboratories and public buildings.
MEDITE CLEAR is a NAF (non-added formaldehyde) product. The level of formaldehyde in a finished panel is significantly lower than a standard MDF panel. MEDITE CLEAR can be used in the same way as a standard interior MDF panel.
MEDITE CLEAR has similar formaldehyde levels that occur naturally in raw timber. This ensures MEDITE CLEAR can be used in environmentally sensitive interior applications, where formaldehyde emissions need to be kept to the minimum. No wood-based panel can be fully free of formaldehyde due to the naturally occurring formaldehyde within the raw timber.
MEDITE CLEAR is manufactured to ensure performance properties are uniform through the cross section. As with all timber and wood-based panels processing can affect how the material will react in an environment. Best practice should be followed when processing.
As MEDITE Clear is a NAF product (non-added formaldehyde) it is used to help preserve artifacts by reducing formaldehyde emissions within a museum and display cases. Materials may emit trace amounts of different additives that can harm delicate artifacts over time. MEDITE CLEAR has been used extensively in museums around the world.
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